28 March 2023


well i didn't know, you never told me. 

if you know someone well enough,
the important things you can leave unsaid.

fuck it, maybe we don't know each other then. 


and maybe the flaw in all of this,
is that we've been filling in the gaps with assumptions:
making up the parts we want to believe of each other,
with the best of our imaginations. 

but maybe the reality of this is the worst of our imaginations
and all we are is two lost people who long for
the idea of someone who doesn't actually exist.

you're right, i'm not disagreeing with you.
doesn't that mean we know each other better than anyone else then?

not necessarily.

i think we just both latched onto the idea
that we might be each other's answer;
that way, we don't have to face the reality
that that's not the answer at all.  

together or apart, i think we're equally as lost.

maybe. i guess misery loves company.  

so you're miserable in my company?

ha. if you know someone well enough,
the important things you can leave unsaid.

but we don't know each other, so say it. 

i can't. 

i know.

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